Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Birthday Fun!

Sunday was my birthday and unfortunately the hub was working, so i spent the day at the beach with Noah, Lilli, Kelly, Jacob, Brittany and Tiffany. Tiff and her boyfriend drive down from Massachusetts on Saturday so i was so happy they were here for my 23rd birthday! After the beach we went back to my parents and had a yummy barbecue, Mom, Dad, Christine, Uncle Jeff, and Amie came down. I couldn't have asked for a better birthday and am so very thankful we have such a loving family! :)


  1. Your biceps are looking big in that picture of you holding Noah... have your been working out :o) Hot mama

  2. lol thanks! yeah ive been going 2-3 times a week!! :) :)

  3. Oh my goodness I have to hear him say Ansley! So cute.
