Noah is the most ticklish little boy, he doesnt like when we tickle him so he always pushes away our hands! His laugh is contagious!

Sunday was fun day! We had Lilli for the weekend because Amie and Mike were in the hospital having Cody. Noah loves his cousin Lilli, he just is so silly and laughs and laughs when she is around. He doesn't even want to come to Nick and I when Lilli is around she is so fun and good to him, she is going to be a great big sister! (again!!) About a month and a half ago Noah started coloring with crayons, well
technically its not coloring its more like drawing lines on a paper. :) So now he loves coloring with chalk! Its so awesome to see how he is growing up so fast and he is really the smartest little boy! More to come.....
What a silly boy. I can't wait for Ansley to start reacting like that to stuff we do. He is so cute!