Cody is here! He was born on Sept 10, 2009, 8lbs. 11oz 20 in long! Amie wasn't due until Sept 26
th, the past two days she had been going to the doctor for blood work and tests due to high blood pressure. Yesterday she went to the doctor and they read a few of her tests and took her blood pressure and the midwife told her to
immediately go to the hospital for an emergency c-section. She was admitted but in a "testing" room and they were going to send her home and put her on bed rest because the hospital had no rooms! Luckily her midwife came and she said that was unacceptable so at 5:30 (in which she had been there since about 2:30) they told her she was going to be going "under the knife" at 6! Mike was on shift in West Palm at a fire station so he had to rush to get there in time and he made it just in time for beautiful Cody being born. He is the cutest little peanut, and Amie was thrilled he wasn't a 10
pounder, because for the past 4 months they have been telling her he is huge! But he is a normal healthy baby! It took them until today to choose his name Cody, his middle name Andrew is our brother Jacob's middle name, he was so happy to have someone named after him! Lilli and Toby have been so excited to see their baby brother finally! :)
Look at his hair! I'm so glad everyone is doing well :o)