Yesterday we went to the doctor for an ultra sound to see what position the baby is in. I am now 36 weeks and measuring at 32 weeks, the baby is progressing very well and he is fully developed. Baby Landon is head down, so we were going to try and do a natural birth, which is called a Vbac, but at the doctor yesterday she explained all the risk factors of what it entails. It made us very scared being that my practice is one of the only practices in South Florida that will deliver via Vbac. So after a very long story, we decided to have another C-section. We haven't set a date yet, next Tuesday we will be deciding on a date with my midwife. We are thinking the dates will be set between April 12-18th, which would land me at 38-39 weeks pregnant. We are very excited for his arrival! :)
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