Saturday we went to the zoo, and when we left Noah was sad to leave the "aminals", and wanted to go to the park.. He didn't want anyone to be happy especially Landon. Nick and I were dying when this was happening.. if you watch you can see Landon's little hand keep trying to grab Noah, then Noah finally comes around. The end gets a bit crazy... :)
Monday, November 21, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
What's so funny?!
This video makes me laugh every time I see it! As i have said before, Landon loves his big brother Noah. Here he can't stop laughing at him, and I'm not even sure why! I love this! Im sorry its side ways! ;/
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Noah loves loves going to Playmobil! It's a huge building shaped as a castle that has quite a few tables with little people, the kids can play with. they also have huge figurines on the floor and around the room of the Playmobile people.. Landon really enjoyed these guys..
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Happy 6 months baby boy!
6 months!! I cannot even believe how fast these months have gone! Landon doesn't have a doctors appointment until the 1st week of November. I weighed him yesterday and he was 18.6 pounds! Chubby boy.. ;) At his last doctors appointment he was 17 pounds and 25 in. long. He is definitely a lot longer since.
Landon is a social boy, he loves to smile and loves loves talking.. he is sitting up on his own, and he is already on his hands and knees rocking back and forth. He scoots around like a mad man, and a few times he has gotten stuck under our coffee table.. Silly baby.
He is eating solids like a champ, and loves his bottle. He loves his brother and no matter what mood Landon is in, as soon as he sees Noah, the world is better! :) It melts my heart. Noah is getting so big, he loves to color and create fun drawings. He is finally coming around to Landon, whenever he wakes up he comes in the room to grab Landon with me. Noah actually has asked a few times if Landon can play with him. :)
Landon is a social boy, he loves to smile and loves loves talking.. he is sitting up on his own, and he is already on his hands and knees rocking back and forth. He scoots around like a mad man, and a few times he has gotten stuck under our coffee table.. Silly baby.
Noah outside playing basketball
First time eating cereal ;)
This is the giraffe Noah picked out when Landon was born, and he loves it!
Helping feed Landon
Friday, October 7, 2011
Dinner Talk!
This is Mr.Landon at 5 months talking away! He gets super excited when Noah looks at him and especially when Noah gets close to Landon.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Our crazy life the past 7 weeks!
Hi again!! We've had a crazy 7 weeks!! The C-Section went very well the recovery was a bit harder this time around than it was with Noah. Not sure if it was because it was a second incision made or the fact of having a newborn and a very active 2 year old running around. Noah at first was a bit leery of Landon the first week he was here. But now than Landon is more interactive Noah is more interested in him. Its funny Cody who is 20 months and Ansley who is 22 months LOVE baby Landon. Miss Ansley kept saying " baby, baby, baby, baby" over and over again. While Cody just wouldn't leave him alone and would say " Awww hug baby". Our lives have slowed down a bit with Nick's work schedule, school finished and he is home every night. It is really perfect timing with Landon's arrival, its so nice to have him home.
As of last week Landon is 11 pounds 3 ounces. His birth weight was 7 pounds 15 ounces. His doctor put him on Zantac for he has pretty bad acid reflux. The medicine has made him feel a lot better and is a lot less cranky. He is very content, sleeps very very well, and he is starting to coo and smile at us and different things around the house. I have noticed he loves to look at Noah, he will always smile or coo while looking at his big brother.
Noah unfortunately has a small ear infection in his right ear, and has caught some kind of virus he has had potty issues and keeps on getting sick. Poor little boy. He is still just as good as ever! :) His new favorite saying is " Mommy, i love you so so so soo much". Also today i was making an appointment over the phone and the girl asked me for my contact number, mind you she wasn't on speaker phone. I started to tell the girl my number.. " 561..." Noah is sitting right next to me and says.. " 452-3176". I was in shock!! That is my phone number!!! I didn't even say the number yet and he finished it for me, nor could he even hear what the girl was asking me.. I called Nick on speaker phone and i said " 561..." and he did it again!! this little boy never ceases to amaze me! i could not believe it! :)
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These are the newborn photos we had done five days after Landon was born. |
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Wednesday, April 13, 2011
It's now a waiting game...
Last week we finally chose a date for the is scheduled for Tuesday April 19th. Thats if nature doesn't take its course and i go into labor. I have been having contractions sporadically , but they have been getting continuously stronger. So we will see what this little boy will decide to do. At this point, I'm in crunch time finishing up the last 4 weeks of my school semester in about a week. I'm a little overwhelmed but the good news is, i have 2 classes down and one to go!! :) I am getting Noah super pumped to be a big brother, and he seems pretty excited for Landon's arrival.. He keeps saying he's going to teach him how to play, baseball, football, tennis, and soccer. ;) So our next update will probably be pictures of our little baby boy!! :)
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Spring Break

Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Landon Finn Norley

Sunday, March 6, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
A few maternity/family photos... 2011
Sunday we took our family/ maternity photos at a local park in Jupiter, its called Riverbend Park. Our good friend Kris Wagner his sister-in-law, actually took the shots. She is amazing and she only does this for a hobby!! I only have a few so far so i will post a few as they come in. :)

Saturday, February 26, 2011
Fun pics..
Here are some phone pics I have taken of Noah this week..

Crazy hair after his fohawk all day! :)

Silly boy wanted to wear both hats, this actually lasted for a few hours.

Noah and his pepper in her doggie bed..
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Boys and Boats!
For Christmas one of my gifts from Nick , was a new lens for my cannon rebel camera. I love it! It has a great zoom and image stabilizer. When we went to the beach on Sunday i finally got to see what the lens can really do! :)
Another exciting thing we decided on today was this little baby boys name. With Noah it was so easy to choose a name, but for this one we couldn't decide as quickly! Nick and I liked totally different names, the two we were down to were, Brayden Taylor and Landon Finn. We have decided on Landon Finn! We cannot wait for 8 1/2 more weeks to meet him! This Sunday we are actually doing our family/ maternity photos, we are very excited! As soon as we have them i will post some.

Monday, February 21, 2011
Finally the weather has warmed up enough for us to spend some time at the beach. Sunday Noah and I met Amie, the three kids, Jake, Brittany, and Tiffany at the beach. It was such a beautiful day out, the water is still really cold, which is okay considering our shark infested waters. :) This evening was yet again beautiful so Noah and i went on a late evening walk and took our puppy Pepper for the first time.. She loved it as did Noah, and for Mommy, it is a great exercise! hopefully we will be having more of these nights, Noah and Pepper enjoyed it as well as myself getting ready for baby boy to get here in 9 weeks! :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Happy Valentines Day!
Happy Valentines Day! It was a busy day for us, both of us had class, and Nick worked all day, so needless to say we didn't have any special " date night" plans. My mom invited Noah and I over for dinner, and on our way I got a call from Nick saying class was cancelled so we were actually able to spend the evening together with our Noah.. Very rare and love when it happens! Valentines day is also the day 9 years ago Nick and I began dating.. quite along time! It is also my 30 week point! 10 weeks left until this unnamed baby boy gets here! Cannot wait!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sorry for the poor quality pic, my phone camera didn't flash.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Operation Big Boy Undies!
For the past 5 months, Noah has been doing really well with potty training. When we are home he is always in underwear, but for nap, bedtime, and when we run errands, he is in a diaper. When we would be out he would never tell me he had to go, but at home in his undies, he would either go by himself on the potty or tell me he had to go. So i decided to be very risky/brave and just put him in big boy undies out in public.. I was quite nervous for he is so used to the comfort of a diaper out in public. Today is day 3 and to my surprise NO accidents!! I am so proud of the little monkey! Before we leave the house he uses the potty, then an hour to an hour and a half after being out we go to the potty again! He is doing excellent, and we are reaching our goal of him being completely out by the time this other little baby boy arrives in April!!

Showing me his big boy undies.. he is so excited! :)
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Today was a cold beautiful day out so Noah and I enjoyed our morning at the park!

Saturday, January 15, 2011
Noah got his 3rd haircut yesterday, he still cried just as much, if not more than the first two.. But he looks so cute!

Noah waiting very patiently at the salon.

His new haircut makes him look so old!
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