Friday, June 18, 2010

Hi Again!!

Hey we're back, we have been so busy with life, that i haven't had much time to upload and update! This past week we took a walk at a local nature preserve right after dinner. Noah is now at the age, that we are able to do enjoyable family adventures together, and he understands them, and asks to do more of them. :) He was able to burn off energy before bed and we all spent quality time together, hard to get these days :)

He loved loved smelling the flowers, everytime we walked by he would say, "Mommy... flower.. pretty". So very precious.


  1. Yeay a post! :o) So cute. I love the one of him smelling the flowers. I miss you guys already!

  2. i know its been soo long! i know i miss you guys too! :(
