With school coming to an end, Nick working three jobs, and Noah growing into such a boy, we have been a very busy busy family. In the beginning of the week we stayed at Amie and Mike's house to watch the kids. They won a two free nights at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Ft. Lauderdale, which was their first time away from Cody! So needless to say it was well over needed for them. It was fun being with the kids and Noah actually now starting to like Cody:) During this week i had 3 Critical Assignments due and also one big final exam, it was really hard to manage 4 kids and school work plus the daily chores. All in all we had a great time!

Yes, Noah is eating peas, he loves them!! He wanted them for his snack time :)
At this point all the kids were home and Cody was only happy outside, and of course Noah didn't like that i was holding Cody. :)

The night we got home from watching the kids, Noah and I were playing in his room, and whenever Noah hears the freezer open, he runs in the kitchen to grab an ice cube. But i knew my mom was getting ice cream, and it was right before Noah's bedtime, so i said to my mom not to let him have any, because he would get a sugar rush and miss his bedtime. Next thing i know is i walk down stairs to Noah climbing on my mom to get her ice cream cone. He had never had a cone before, im pretty sure he enjoyed it :)
This is so funny. Did he sleep after eating all that ice cream?
ReplyDeletelol i gave him a bath and we did the whole night night routine and he layed in his crib playing and talking for an hour! lol