Noah loves Mollie, they chase each other around the house, tug of war with the ball, and Noah laughs and laughs. Well Mollie is crazy when it comes to flashlights, he had been flashing the light everywhere but when he
was first doing it he thought he liked the light but then he realized Mollie liked the light even better. He realized the light is what makes her goes crazy and he
couldn't stop laughing, like falling on the ground cracking up, it was so funny to watch! He was laughing so hard he
couldn't laugh anymore because he got the hiccups so bad!! I love watching how he interacts with her!
Noah is turning 19 months tomorrow, i cannot even believe how much he has changed in the past nineteen months. He is potty training, eating on his own with
utensils, and talking up a storm, he understand everything we ask or tell him! He loves to give us kisses, and whenever he gets a
booboo he runs up to me with a sad face and makes me kiss it so he feels better! :) Look at this big boy talking to himself in the mirror!!!
Oh my gosh he looks so big!