Finally I've gotten to the most exciting day of all Halloween! During the day Nick, Noah and I finally got to spend an entire morning by ourselves together, which doesn't happen very often. We ran a few errands and took Noah to our neighborhood park, we then came home and baked cupcakes for everyone at Amie's. Noah really loved baking the cupcakes, but was soo excited to dress up as Woody! We even got a little surprise from Daddy, who bought a costume without us knowing :) We went to Amie's for trick-or treating, when we got there I put Noah in his costume, and he was a little weary and stand offish for about 30 minutes, he didn't fully understand why everyone was dressed up. He finally warmed up to it, and we went trick or treating, he loved it, we went with Dylan and Toby, Uncle Jacob, Lindsey, Uncle Jeff and "Mario" as Noah was calling Nick all night. The only time he really got scared and wanted me to pick him up is when there were scary people dressed up sitting in chairs. All in all he did great and had so much fun!

While we were stirring he kept trying to lick the batter.
Here is silly Daddy dressed as Mario!
Still in his shy mode.
50 pound pumpkin Amie and Mike got in N. Carolina.
Finally our happy boy!
Uncle Jacob and Noah
Lilli and Noah
The boys taking a drink break while trick or treating.