We added a new addition to our growing family on Wednesday! A puppy!! Her name is Pepper, she is a lab and beagle mix. As of right now she is 11 pounds and will only grow to be 30 -35 pounds. We adopted her from a rescue called Big Dog Ranch, she lives with a "foster parent" who loved her and took great care of her. She is a spunky energetic puppy, from what I have read the mix she is, is a perfect family kid dog! Noah was so excited, when we asked him what he wanted to name her he said " Alley", which is silly because that is his Auntie Amanda and Uncle Jon's dogs name. But now having them home they play like they are two puppies together it is the cutest thing! We bought her a little monkey chew toy (bad decision on my part) considering Noah loves monkey's, he keeps taking it from her and telling her to share. We may have to get him a toy monkey of his own :)