This is the chalk box lid, his new favorite thing to do is smoosh his face in things and snort while doing it! Soo Silly!
Noah loves playing in the hose, every time i would squeeze the trigger his whole body would shake, a couple times the pressure knocked him over! :)
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Busy Saturday
Friday, January 29, 2010
Mr. Guiness and Noah at the beach..
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Potential Cook???
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Steps of Throwing a Ball...
This is Noah's new silly/scrunch face and while he does it this face, he makes a sort of snorting noise. He is so funny. He is starting to try and talk a lot, he has such a cute happy personality, when he starts fluently talking he is going to be quite a character! The potty training is also going very well, I think he is going to catch on really quickly! Thanks goodness!! :)
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Family Fun!
On Sunday we went to Ansley's baptism, She looked to adorable, and was a very good girl the entire time. She has gotten so big and has such a sweet personality, I can't believe she is already 6 months old!When we were there she is now old enough to sit in her jumperoo, and it is by far her favorite thing to do, she jumps and jumps, and she laughs and talks to everyone while doing it! SOO cute! The next time we see each other it will be so fun, because the kids will actually be able to play! YAY!
On Monday Dylan came down and spent the day with Noah and I. We had a lot of fun we stopped at the park and Dylan was such a big help with Noah on the playgrounds and Noah had so much fun with his cousin! Hello Mr. Bright Blue Eyes!! :)
I finally got Noah to sit next to Cody! Noah was kind of interested in him this time, and Noah only cried for a short time while i held Cody, we're improving! :) Cody is doing very very well from his accident a few weeks ago, he is very alert and so strong. He tries to pull himself up to sit up and his neck is also very strong already, pretty good for a 4 month old! His little legs are almost the same size of Noah's, we may have a football player on our hands! :) His eyes are so blue and so big, he is the cutest little man! They don't know it yet, but one day these two will be creating havoc together! :)
Thursday, January 14, 2010
New House, New Steps...
Granny bought Noah this ball pit/stuffed animal toy for Christmas and he loves it!!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Busy Last Two Weeks..
Noah thought it would be funny to play in the laundry basket while Mommy was folding it!! :) He also was trying to shove his snack into the slats, so silly!!
Meet Guiness, this is britt and bry's new puppy!! Noah loves him so much, when he wants Guiness to come to him he squats and claps his hands and yells!! Too cute! :)
Noah was relaxing and watching his new movie Toy Story, he some how wiggled his little body onto the floor, and laid with his favorite blankey!!!